MobiArch 2022
Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture to be held in conjunction with MobiCom 2022
Sydney, Australia, 21st Oct, 2022
[June 21st] Due to the travel restrictions still in effect in some countries, we are exploring ways to make a hybrid option available for presenters or participants unable to attend in person. Accordingly, we encourage submissions regardless of your ability to attend the Workshop in person.
Submission and Proceedings
Submissions must present original results.
Selected papers will be forward-looking, describe their relationship to existing work, and have impact and implications for ongoing or future research.
Submitted papers must be in PDF format, they should adhere to the ACM templates and should contain no more than 6 pages long, two columns, with no characters in smaller than 10 point fonts, and must fit properly on US "Letter"-sized paper (8.5x11 inches). Margins must be of 1 inch on all edges (top, bottom, left, and right) of each page.
Authors may find these templates useful in complying with the above requirements. It is author's responsibility to verify that the submission is format-compliant. (Please note that the default template font is 9pt and must be changed to 10pt.)
Paper Submission System: EasyChair submission website.
Camera Ready Submission Instructions
1. After completing your eRights forms, you will receive rights text (bibliographic strip, ISBN, DOI, etc.). You must add this text to your paper.
2. You have Type 1 fonts (scalable), not Type 3 (bit-mapped). ACM cannot substitute font types. This really must be done in the source files before the Postscript or PDF is generated. If bit-mapped fonts are used, they will not necessarily display legibly in all PDF readers on all platforms, though they will print out fine.
3. All fonts are embedded. Any PDF that is not deposited with fonts embedded will need to be corrected. In order to help you through this process, documentation on how to embed your fonts has been created. Please download the ACM Digital Library optimal distiller settings file, ACM.joboptions, at
4. The PDFs are named according to the ACM convention: sequence-firstauthorlastname.pdf. If you paginated the volume, use the starting page number of each article. If not, then use the article number. Example: if John Smith were the first author of the second article and it began on page 14, the file name would be: p14-smith.pdf. If the volume is not paginated, then the file name would be a2-smith.pdf.
5.Please use the latest ACM template for preparing your paper. The font size is 9pt, smaller than the 10pt review version. It means you will have more space for your camera ready versions.
6. Go to Easychair paper submission page
7. Edit your paper by uploading source files and pdf of your camera ready paper.